Why did I pick Grindelwald to Zermatt then? Well - they were both places that I had visited several times previously and they both stand beneath mountain peaks of World renown surrounded by some of the most spectacular scenery in Europe. It was the idea of linking these Alpine regions and the 2 mountains - the Eiger and the Matterhorn - that really inspired the route. A more accomplished climber would climb the peaks but as I would be just as likely to fall off one of them I decided to begin with the Eiger trail and finish with the Matterhorn Trail - the 2 walkers paths associated with them.
This post is a photo diary of the route - the one actually followed as opposed to the one I should have followed - but I have added information on the intended route where they differ. The walk took me eight days to Zermatt with another day to walk the Matterhorn Trail (which you can do in an afternoon} though as the way is not set in stone like many of the more popular treks, there is plenty of scope to vary the route according to weather conditions or personal preferences.
Thanks to everyone who bought A Long Walk in the Alps - I hope you enjoyed it. I certainly enjoyed doing the route though some parts were hard work because of the weather.
Pete Buckley Mar 2011
The full story is available for download or free preview in both the US and UK Kindle stores while the photo diary of Grindelwald to Zermatt follows here - navigation is at the end of each post. For more e-reader formats please visit Smashwords.
Day One: Grindelwald to Wengen via the Eiger Trail

The view over the far side isn't bad either! A fine lunch spot where I was accompanied by a dog (not pictured) taking shelter from the sun. The building below is the Eigergletscher station of the Jungfrau Railway (2320m)while across the Lauterbrunnen valley which is a vertical mile below, Murren - next day's destination - can just be made out below the prominent peak of the Schilthorn (snow - just right of centre) while the obvious col to its left is the Sefinenfurke pass where we leave the Jungfrau Region.

This section has well marked trails all the way with a total distance from Alpiglen to Wengen of 14km (9 miles) with just over 700m (2300ft) of ascent and 1050m (3400ft) of descent. Alpiglen is a request stop on the Jungfrau Railway. Walking from Grindelwald would make this a long day carrying a backpack.
Day 2 >>> Wengen to Murren (mostly by train)
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